Friday, January 23, 2009


Frankly, I have been feeling a bit indifferent for the past week or so. I have many things to do, and need to focus, but I just can't seem to do it. I have projects for work to price out and get started on. I have lines to learn for Shadow Box. I have shows to prep for My Bugatti Story. On top of it all, I have the day to day minutiae to consider... cooking, cleaning, taking care of the dog, laundry, etc... I know that this is not exciting news, but it is just where I am this week.

I started a new diet a little over a week ago, and as of this morning, I am down 10 lbs from my start weight of 232. I am shooting for a target below the 200 lbs mark, which would be the first time since high school that I have been there. In other news, my court date to finalize the divorce is set for next Wednesday at 1:30 pm, so... by Wednesday night, I should officially be single. Not that I feel ready to date right now anyway, but I can close this chapter of my life and put it up on the shelf. Anyway... that's all I've got for now... sorry to be so boring, but... that's real life sometimes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It took me a LOOOOONG time after leaving my ex to feel like I could entertain the idea of sharing my life again...and as you well know...the idea is still entertaining to me, but exocution is still proving to be illusive...