Well the Frontera Fest piece for which I am running tech,
My Bugatti Story, opens tonight at the Salvage Vanguard Theatre. It is a decent play, directed by a really good director, and presented by a very talented cast... with one weak spot. Since this is a public blog, I won't go into details, but there is a weak link that has everyone in the cast worried to death. We are all hoping that we will be pleasantly surprised this evening, and for the remainder of the run. I have gone over tech in my head as many times as I can stand, and will give it my all this evening within the limits of the technology given to me. With only one 2.5 hr slot in the theatre to practice on Saturday, we are as prepared as I think we can get, and that other part of me is really looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.
On another note, rehearsals for
The Shadow Box are going well, and I am amazed by the talent that I am surrounded by each rehearsal. I feel like I am just not progressing in the role like I should be. However, once I get the script out of my hand, I think it will free me up to play with it a bit more. That one opens at City Theatre on the 6th of February, so I hope to see as many of my friends there as can make it.
David, as the entire cast of "Bugatti" is probably combing the net for reviews and other news, you may get some flak for that!
Which character are you playing in "Shadow Box?" I shall surely come and see it, having played "Maggie" a long time ago.
I am playing Joe. Actually the weak spot in the show came off far better than we all anticipated... a tribute to fine direction!
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