Monday, January 12, 2009

Even Dumber Than the Snuggie

So... I've actually found an invention to mock this week that may even rival the Snuggie. It is in somewhat the same vein, and is called the Laptop Body Sweater Wool Privacy Curtain. I can only assume that the purpose is to be ultra secure that no one is looking at your laptop screen, while giving you full ability to view and type. Just think of the possibilties... surf porn in public, play World of Warcraft without being mocked (for the game anyway), get strip searched by TSA for suspicious activity when using it at the airport, get all of your stuff stolen around you because you've got your hear shoved up some dumb sweater for your laptop.

All I can really say to this is that people are idiots, and will buy absolutely anything!


Thespian Xenophile said...

This picture looks like something out of a science fiction film...

Headline: "Cleveland Woman Smothered by Rogue Sweater. Police and Scientists Baffled by Motive".

Here's a link to other "As Seen on TV" awesomeness...

Ronni said...

It's a THNEED!!!

(I'm still laughing!)

davdunlap said...

A thneed's a fine something that all people need! The Lorax would be so sad that it's come to this. How many more tuftula trees must die?!?

Ronni said...

Truffula, David, Truffula!

davdunlap said...

I'm doing good to remember as much as I did... It's bee nearly three decades since I read the darn book. Thanks for the tickler though.

Ronni said...

If I wear this and the snuggie at the same time, my laptop and myself will be in our own little world.

Oh. Wait...

Unknown said...

My first question is, what pattent office saw this invention and thought, "EURIKA!!!!!! By George, this is sheer genius!"